• How much experience does Calibration Designs have in the metrology field.  We have been in the calibration field for over 25 years and have been through a variety of accreditations, certifications, courses including military PMEL training, ASQ certification and multiple international assessments and have helped numerous places meet their testing needs.
    • Do you offer additional design services?  Yes!  Please contact us with any design or consultation needs and we would be happy to discuss them with you.  Send us an email HERE.
    • Do you offer consultation?  Yes, we offer consultation on design, testing, procedure writing and programming in multiple languages.  Send us an email, we would be happy to hear about the testing you're working on and how we could help.
    • Where can I find your terms and services?  You can find them HERE.
    • Where can I find your return policy?  You can find them HERE.